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Gourmet Cup on Krvavec


Excellent culinary specialties, numerous domestic and international cooking virtuosos, enrichment of knowledge in the field of trends and direction of development in catering and culinary arts.


Together we have fun in Cerklje


A cultural and entertaining event of the three societies of pensioners from Komenda, Bukovica-Šinkov Turn and Cerklje. Societies present themselves with singing, dancing, recitations and sketches.


Pupil on the skis on Krvavec


Slovenian project of skiing awareness of school children with the aim of popularizing skiing among children. Each year more than 2000 children participate in the campaign, which returns from the ski slopes with a new life experience. The action offers a free, guided ski day in the snow. The ambassador of the action is Jure Košir, honorary patron of the action is president of the Republic Slovenia Borut Pahor.




A Carnival parade in Cerklje

The local association from Šenčur »Godlarji« organize a carnival every year, which is the biggest carnival event in Gorenjska. Carnival vehicles are manufactured by over 20 members, and 250-300 people participate at the parade. Every year a carnival parade is also presented at the center of Cerklje



Carnival fun in Aderagas and Poženik

Cultural society Pod lipo Adergas prepare a Carnival fun with dance every year, while the Drama Club Pod Stražo also prepares bonfires in Poženik.


Competition of firefighters in Cerklje

The Voluntary Firefighter Association Zalog pri Cerkljah invites members to compete for the Transition Cup of the Firefighter Association of Slovenia in connection of the suction line. The members compete with the downgrade system on two parallel lines. Each team works twice. The best result of the exercise is taken into account. The team with a better result is directly placed in the next round of the competition.




Exhibition of Easter and spring products in Petrovec house in Cerklje

Tourist Board of Cerklje in cooperation with societies and individuals prepare a traditional Easter exhibition. The exhibition offers much more than just a presentation of products, because it is contributed by the young and the old of our Municipality, who transfer the knowledge and tradition from generation to generation. Every year the exhibition is accompanied by a cultural program at the opening, which presents the customs of Easter in different ways.


Razstava velikonočnih in pomladnih aranžmajev


Events at the Mother's day in Adergas, Poženik and Zgornji Brnik

Different cultural societies in the Municipality organize events for the Mother's day to thank and honor mothers and fathers for their efforts.


Spring feast Gregorjevo at the Strmol Castle

Celebrating spring feast Gregorjevo with a children's workshop of making ships, which are symbolically dropped in the Strmol Lake.


Concert I give you a song in Cerklje

Charity concert of Elementary School Davorin Jenka Cerklje, where young musicians, singers and dancers present a varied musical program. Every year more than a hundred performers perform. Collected funds are intended fort he school fund.



Luža Contest at the end of the ski season on Krvavec

Weekend of snowboarding and skiing acrobatics, full of fun, adrenaline, snow and winter-spring joys for the end of the Wintter season on Krvavec


Evening of folklore in Cerklje

Folklora Cerklje organizes a Folklore evening, inviting folklore groups from different regions of Slovenia to present their traditional dances to visitors.


Večer folklore v Cerkljah


Traditional games with Easter eggs in Adergas

Tradicional games with Easter eggs, which are prepared every year in Adergas.



First May bonfire on Štefanja Gora and award ceremony for the most demanding hikers

Farm tourism Mežnar the night before First may organizes the traditional bonfire on Štefanija Gora. On First May they award the most persistent hikers on Štefanja Gora and prepare home-made dishes.


First May wake up call with Brass Band Cerklje

Brass Band Cerklje every year on the morning of First May cheer the inhabitants of the villages of Municipality Ceklje. They start their wake upa call early in the morning in Cerklje and then they continue in individual villages in the municipality.


Parade of old-timers and engines


The parade takes place on the First May for more than 60 years. They start in the village Dvorje and then the old-timers, engines and other vehicles drive through the villages of the Municipality Cerklje.


Parada starodobnikov in motorjev


Wake me up for First May in Zalog pri Cerkljah

A two-day entertainment program with evening concerts of popular music groups and afternoon children's animations.


12 hours of basketball and 12 hours of football in Cerklje

A traditional event organized by the Sports Club Krvavec. Sports teams compete in basketball and football games.




Picking stones on Krvavec

Every heavy rains rinses the soil and new stones on the surface, which need to be removed for better grazing conditions. With the planned removal of stones and planting grass, the area for grazing has increased significantly and in the summer more than 300 livestock graze on Krvavec.


Barle Memorial in Cerklje

France Barle was an organizer of the Slovenian firefighting. He was born in Cerklje. Every year there is a competition of firefighters on wich they compete in various disciplines and with a very old hand-operated sprinkle.




Walk to help in Dvorje

Every year the humanitarian society Lions Club Brnik organizes a charitable event, which brings together funds for the rehabilitation of children. Visitors can take nordic walking and family, recreational and mountain hikes and animations for children.


Barefoot hike to Šenturška Gora

The second Saturday in June is reserved for the Barefoot hike on Šenturska gora. The start is on Jurčkova dobrava and continues along the Komenda path to Šenturška Gora. The path is predominantly wooded, only through the village there is asphalt road. The only rule is that everyone has to walk barefoot.


Spring concert of Brass Band Cerklje

The Brass Band Cerklje every spring prepares a Spring concert with various guests in the Cultural hall of Ignacij Borštnik in Cerklje.


Kravca s Krvavca Fest on Krvavec

Recreational amusement hike with shepherds and cows along the shepard's paths on Krvavec with rich accompanying program, cow roulette, home music and traditional shepard's snacks on several locations. It is intended for all who likes hiking, beautiful nature, good home-made food and fun.


Fest po rokovem


Competition of accordionists on Krvavec

At 1600 meters above sea level there is a competition for musicians with a diatonic accordion. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Krvavec and the sounds of this popular musical instrument.


Charity football tournament in Velesovo

Football tournament, auction of jerseys of famous athletes, feast, for which a voluntary contribution can be made at the event itself. The funds are collected for charitable purposes.


Competition with water pipes

Competition with water pipes is a football with fire hoses. Each team has two handles and the team has to bring the huge ball to the opponent's goal in seven minutes. After a game follows interteining time with live music.




Oratory in Cerklje and Adergas

The Parish of Cerklje and the Parish of Adergas organizes one-week Oratory for children, where there is no lack of singing, laughter, fun games, collective catechism and creative workshops.





Fest po rokovem

A varied range of sports, entertainment and cultural events, combined under the common name – Fest po rokovem, in order to offer an attractive and diverse offer for different tastes of locals, visitors and tourists: stalls with handicraft products, various workshops for children and adults, sports matches, folklore festival, evening party.


Fest po rokovem


Cycling competition for the King and Queen of the Krvavec

The competition begins in Dvorje and then the cyclists continue their journey to Krvavec. The path is 14 km long and cyclists drive 1,050 meters altitude difference. Each participant receives a memorial medal and a snack. On the day of the competition there is also a hike to Krvavec.


Fest po rokovem


Mass in the Chapel of Marija Snežna on Krvavec

On the first Sunday after the feast of Veliki šmarn there is a mass in the Plečnik's Chapel of Marija Snežna on Krvavec, which was built in 1921 according to the plans of the architect Jože Plečnik. The mass prepares Pasture Communities Jezerca and Kriška planina.


Mountain day on Krvavec


The mountain day is intended for all who likes fresh air, recreation and of course, good company. There are two versions: for hikers and hikers with a touch of adrenaline. The hike runs from the upper station of the cable car to the Zvoh. Hikers can also relax with activities in the Summer Park.


Hike on the path of memory and companionship and Memorial ceremony on Štefanja Gora

The municipal organization of the association of fighters for the values of the NOB Cerklje organizes the Hike on the path of memory and companionship and the memorial ceremony on Štefanja Gora, which is dedicated to the attack on the 2nd group of detachments and fallen ones in the war.




Celebration of the municipal feast of the Municipality of Cerklje na Gorenjskem with the Central Municipal ceremony with municipal awards and numerous other cultural and sport events (Tournament in bowling, football, basketball and volleyball, charity events, exhibitions, concerts,…)




Best crop in Cerklje

A cultural and entertainment event with the competition for the best crop in different categories: pumpkin, carrot, beet, potato, cabbage ans special crops. The heaviest, the most beautiful and the biggest crop in each category receives a practical prize. At the event the mayor of Municipality Cerklje gives awards for the most beautiful villages, streets, farms, houses, tourist and business objects.

International basketball competition for Cerklje Cup

International basketball competition of pioneers U15 for Cerklje Cup with the participation of teams from Slovenia, Croatia, Lithuania, Spain and Italy.




Workshop about making Advent wreaths in Cerklje

Family and youth center Cerklje organizes the workshop about making Advent wreaths.




Exhibition of cribs in Petrovec house in Cerklje

Petrovec House hosts a traditional exhibition of cribs, organized by the Tourist Board Cerklje. Usually there are around 20 different cribs of various authors. In the last few years, the central cribs were »Cerkljansje jaslice », created and built by Avgust Starovašnik, with buildings which illustrated famous buildings in the Municipality Cerklje. With this exhibition we preserve the heritage and customs of our places, where also children from kindergarten and school participate their products.


Saint Nicolas Fair in Cerklje

On the day of the opening of the exhibition of the cribs, there is a Saint Nicolas Fair at the Petrovec house. The visitors can buy honey and honey products, jams, syrups, juices and medicinal preparations, jewelery, fashion crocheted fabrics, knitted products, wooden products, handmade ceramics, pendants and other gift products. Saint Nicolas also visit the children.


Holy Mass and traditional blessing of horses on Štefanja Gora

Saint Stephen is the patron saint of horses and protector for the health of all animals and people, who deal with horses, barkers, bricklayers, stonecutters, weavers and carpenters. Blessing the horses is the best preserved memory of the saint. The Equestrian Society Krvavec organizes the blessing of horses on Štefanja Gora every year, which is attended by a large number of horses and their owners from the local community and from neighboring municipalities.


Goodies from the pantry in Adergas

The Cultural society Pod lipo Adergas together with the housewives (also from the neighboring villages and the surrounding areas), organizes the Goodies from the pantry. Tables are full of domestic delicacies that housewives contribute. Before the tasting, visitors also listen to the cultural program.


Ski opening na Krvavcu

Start of the ski season on Krvavec with a varied program and fun activities.


Saint Nicolas visit in the villages of Municipality Cerklje

Cultural societies and villagers make sure that Saint Nicolas and his companion cheer all the children every year.


Christmas and New Year's Concert of the Police Orchestra in Cerklje

The Municipality Cerklje gives a concert of the Police Orchestra to its citizens at pre-holiday time. Each year, the soloist or band joins the orchestra, which conjure up a nice pre-holiday atmosphere.


Santa Claus in Cerklje, Adergas and Poženik

The Municipality Cerklje and some societies invite Santa Claus and his companion to give presents to children. His accompanying also prepare a theater performance for children.


Christmas and New Year's Concert of Brass Brass band in Cerklje

Brass band of Cerklje prepares a concert on Christmas theme for the citizens and the surrounding inhabitants. They also always take care of lauhg, because the host of the event prepare fun and comic inputs


New Year's Eve on Krvavec

An unforgettable entry into the new year with skiing, excellent outdoor culinary and music entertainment

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